Emergency Services
We understand emergencies can happen during office hours and outside of office hours. Dr. Rennekamp is proud to offer our emergency services to establish clients.
What to do in an emergency
During Office Hours: Call the office and they will direct you on what the next step would be.
After Hours: When you call the office, the voicemail will direct you to Dr. Rennekamp's cell phone number, 812-569-3424. There you will communicate via text with your name, pet's name, and what type of emergency. From there, Dr. Rennekamp will direct you on what the next step will be. Please be aware that between the hours of 10 P.M. to 5:30 A.M., the voicemail will direct you to IndyVet on the southside of Indianapolis.
There are times Dr. Rennekamp is unavailable and the voicemail may direct you to IndyVet on additional hours.